Department of Biology, Bryn Mawr College

Published work on engulfment


Modular organization of engulfment receptors and proximal signaling networks: Avenues to reprogram phagocytosis
Britt, E.A.#*, Gitau, V.#*, Saha, A.#*, Williamson, A.P., Frontiers in Immunology, doi:10.3389/fimmu.2021.661974 (2021)

Spatial control of Draper receptor signaling initiates apoptotic cell engulfment
Williamson A.P. and Vale R.D., Journal of Cell Biology, Vol. 217 No. 11, 3977-3992 (2018)

Chimeric antigen receptors that trigger phagocytosis
Morrissey M.A.*, Williamson A.P.*, Steinbach A.M., Roberts E.W., Kern N., Headley M.B., Vale R.D., eLife;7:e36688 (2018)

# BMC Undergraduate Student

* These authors contributed equally to this work


Published research on ubiquitin-driven cell cycle control


Regulation of ubiquitin chain initiation to control the timing of substrate degradation
Williamson A.*, Banerjee S.*, Zhu X., Philipp I., Iavarone A.T., Rape, M., Molecular Cell 42, 744-757 (2011)

Identification of a physiological E2 module for the human anaphase-promoting complex
Williamson A.*, Wickliffe K.E.*, Mellone B.G., Song L., Karpen G.H., Rape M. PNAS Vol. 106 No. 43, 18213-18218 (2009)

Mechanism of ubiquitin-chain formation by the human anaphase-promoting complex
Jin L.*, Williamson A.*, Banerjee S., Philipp I., Rape M. Cell 133, 653-665 (2008)

*these authors contributed equally to this work